Cycle route: Ratece-Fusine Lakes - Kolesarska pot: Rateče-Belopeška jezera

Cycle route: Ratece-Fusine Lakes 

Cycle route: Ratece-Fusine Lakes
-6 2
-8 3
-7 5
Cycle route to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes at the border crossing Ratece
Cycle route to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes at the border crossing Ratece

Photo: 71000-0

Route from border crossing Slovnia-Italy to the cycle route Kranjska Gora - Tarvisio
Route from border crossing Slovnia-Italy to the cycle route Kranjska Gora - Tarvisio

Photo: 71000-1

Cycle route in the direction of Slovenia
Cycle route in the direction of Slovenia

Photo: 71000-2

Cycle route in the direction of Italy
Cycle route in the direction of Italy

Photo: 71000-3

Cycle route to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes
Cycle route to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-4

Tarvisio 9.4 km, Villach 41.9 km
Tarvisio 9.4 km, Villach 41.9 km

Photo: 71000-5

View to mountains
View to mountains

Photo: 71000-6

Resting area by the cycle route
Resting area by the cycle route

Photo: 71000-7

Cycle route from Slovenia to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes
Cycle route from Slovenia to Tarvisio and Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-8

Fusine Lakes 2.7 km
Fusine Lakes 2.7 km

Photo: 71000-9

Cycle route passing parking area for campers
Cycle route passing parking area for campers

Photo: 71000-10

View of the neighbourhood
View of the neighbourhood

Photo: 71000-11

Fusine Lakes 2.1 km, Zacchi mountain hut 7.1 km
Fusine Lakes 2.1 km, Zacchi mountain hut 7.1 km

Photo: 71000-12

Turning for Fusine Lakes on left, Tarvisio straight
Turning for Fusine Lakes on left, Tarvisio straight

Photo: 71000-13

Cycle route: Ratece-Fusine Lakes
Cycle route: Ratece-Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-14

Cycle route from Ratece to Fusine Lakes
Cycle route from Ratece to Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-15

Cycle route passing farm
Cycle route passing farm

Photo: 71000-16


Photo: 71000-17

Slight descent
Slight descent

Photo: 71000-18

Arrival to the road to Fusine Lakes
Arrival to the road to Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-19

Direction signs at crossing
Direction signs at crossing

Photo: 71000-20

Road for cars and bicycles to Fusine Lakes
Road for cars and bicycles to Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-21

Footpath along the Lake stream (Rio del Lago)
Footpath along the Lake stream (Rio del Lago)

Photo: 71000-22

Ascent to Fusine Lakes
Ascent to Fusine Lakes

Photo: 71000-23

Road aloneg the Lake stream
Road aloneg the Lake stream

Photo: 71000-24

Lower Fusine Lake
Lower Fusine Lake

Photo: 71000-25

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms