Church of the Mary's Assumption
Ljubljanska cesta (Ljubljana Street)
Walking Trail: Lodging House Iski Vintgar-Confluence Vrbica
Walking Trail: Lodging House Iski Vintgar-Grabljice
Church of St. Kozma and Damian
Monument for the National Liberation War
Chapel of the Mother of God at the crossroads
Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary
Walking trail: Suhadolnik-Kokrsko sedlo
Walking trail: Kokrsko sedlo-Grintovec
Museum collections in the Castle of Zaprice
Open air museum - Collection of granaries from Tuhinj Valley
Samostansta ulica (Monastery Square)
Stari grad (Old Castle) - Garden of small water-mills
Stari grad (Old Castle) - Guest house
Walking Trail: Kamnik-Old Castle
Walking trail: Kokrsko sedlo-Skuta
Exhibition of Tropical Butterflies
Cankarjevo nabrezje embankment
Ciril-Metodov trg (Cyril Methodius Square)
Cathedral (St. Nicholas's Church)
Thalnitscher stone monument collection
Former guest house Pri kolovratu
Former hotel At wild man (Bidelmon)
Monument Slovenian war volunteers 1912-1918
Pizzeria and restaurant Ljubljanski dvor
National and University Library
Hribarjevo nabrezje embankment
Archbishop's Archives and Faculty of theology
Mahr House (Tourist Information Centre)
Levstikov trg (Levstik Square)
Historical Archives of Ljubljana
Mestni trg 9 (Liechtemberg House)
Chamber of Labour-Slovenian Cinematheque
Cooperative Business Bank building
The People's Loan Bank building
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Lontovz)
Pogacarjev trg (Pogacar Square)
Memorial plate dedicated to Adamic and Lunder
Sculpture of a woman's courage
Stari trg 11a (Schweiger House)
Stari trg 21 (Ursini-Blagaj House)
Stritarjeva ulica (Stritar Street)
Trg francoske revolucije Square
Central part of the former Monastery of the Order of Teutonic Knights
Church of the Teutonic Knights Order
Monument dedicated to Anton Askerc
Monument dedicated to Simon Gregorcic
Terrace with busts of university professors
Plecnik's Church of St. Michael in Crna vas on Barje
Path from Tacen (Path of pilgrimage, Path over lower kitchen)
Outflow of the Gradascica Stream into the Ljubljanica River
Grajski park Vitez (Castle Park)
House Notranjska 14 (Old town hall)
House Notranjska 14 (Parish office)
Memorial Chapel dedicated to the victims of the 1st World War
Church of Holy God's Mother of Rosary
Monument to the fallen in the Liberation War
Parish Church of the Assumption of Our Lady
Chapel of the Mother of the good world
Monument to the fallen in the 1st World War
Kulturni dom (Cultural Centre)
Monument dedicated to Janez Trdina
Children's playground and outdoor fitness
Memorial House of Primoz Trubar
Dom (Cultural-educational Home) and municipal building
Chapel of Our Lady Queen with a Child
Carthusian Monastery (Charterhouse)
Walking Trail: Vrhnika - Planina over Spica
Na klancu - Cankar's Memorial House
1st June Street (Ulica 1. junija)
Franc Fakin Square (Trg Franca Fakina)
Vodenska Street (Vodenska ulica)