On the map you can see selected place Kosovela ulica (Kosovel Street) with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.
Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.
In the old town centre we can see the St. Ahacij Square with the baroque fountain, where was discovered rich mercury ore, mining theatre and mining magazine, Town Hall and Lace School Idrija in the Town Square, Franciska's Shaft, Church of the Holy Trinity, first Secondary School, Scopoli's House, who was the first Idrija's medicine doctor, Miner's House, chapel, public aquarium and much more. Old town centre Idrija has beside the oldest St. Ahacij Square, newest Town Square, also the Scopoli Square and Aumeski Square, which is named by the French cist Aumetz, which is twinned with Idrija. Lace School I...
Idrija is a town, which is situated in a basin in the middle of Idrija Hills. It lies on the area, where are connecting the Karst and the prealpine world. Idrija is the municipal centre and unites the important cultural, administrative, educational, tourist and other public functions. Idrija is the oldest mining town in Slovenia. The early beginnings are connected with the discovery of mercury, growth, development and extent of the city were associated with the growth of the underground mine. At the end of the 15th century was made a mining settlement that got the market rights in the 17th century. Am...
Divje jezero (Wild Lake) is a complex natural phenomenon: a karst cave, a karst spring and a lake at the same time. Its foundation and origin was to a great extent influenced by karst processes and tectonic forces. Above the lake, a fault can be clearly seen, cutting across a hundred metres high walls of folded limestones. On the basis of fossil bivalve remains, geologists were able to establish that the limestones were formed in a shallow sea during the Lower Cretaceous period some 100 million years ago. The water spring at the bottom of the lake from a steep cave passage, which has been researched by ...