On the map you can see selected place Old Town Centre with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.
Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.
Piran is a wonderful old port town in Slovenian Istria. The city preserved the medieval plan with narrow streets and squeezed houses, which gives it the special charm. Tartini Square is the centre of Piran and the largest square. It got the name by the Giuseppe Tartini (1692 – 1770), the famous composer and violinist. The main square became in the end of the 13th century. The image, which has it today, got in the other half of the 19th century. It began with the covering of the inner port. On the square are Tartini house, the Saint Peter's Church, baroque house, hotel Tartini, interesting stony columns ...
The old city centre has many important buildings. Among them are Carpaccio square with Taverna, Saint Justina’s column and fountain, fountain Da Ponte, the Muda Gate, Praetorian Palace (Pretorijska palača), cathedral and the defence tower, square Brolo with the park, Fontico with the heraldic decoration, Palace Tarsia, Palace Almerigogna, Palace De Belli, the Rotunda of the Assumption. Carpaccio Square is embellished with the Carpaccio House, the Gothic building from the 15th century. It was the residence of the Venetian painter Benedetto Carpaccio, the son of the famous Vittore. They left the city the ...
Portoroz is a famous tourist city in the Slovenian coast. It is a popular place to relax, entertain and also for work. The town began to develop already in the Roman period. In the 13th century became locally known as a resort place. In 1897 was officially declared as a health resort and its ascent began. The First and the Second World War were limiting its progress and its resumed develop began only after 1960. Today is Portoroz full with hotels, restaurants, bars, casino, old villas and more. We can see the auditorium, a marina, interesting churches, railway tunnel on the route Triest – Porec (Parenza...
Izola is a littoral town, which has interesting old city centre. It includes Manziolijev trg with neighbourhood, Soncno nabrezje, Trg padlih za svobodo with neighbourhood, Trg republike with neighbourhood, Trg svetega Mavra with neighbourhood, Veliki trg with neighbourhood, Ulica Alme Vivoda with neighbourhood and other. Izola hides many wonderful things. You can see the Italian elementary school Dante Alighieri, Parenzana museum, the Church of St. Mary of Haliaetum, port (madrac), archades from the year 1531, which were in complex with Fontika and Loza, Municipal palace (City Hall), fountain in park on...
Piran - St. George's Church (Cathedral)
St. George's Church (Cathedral) in Piran is proudly raising above the city Piran and gives it the special meaning. The St. George was protector of the town. The cathedral was built in the 12th century and in the 14th century was constructed in the present largeness. In the year 1637 got the today's image by the baroque renovation. In the year 1608 was added the belfry and the baptistery in the year 1650. The hill on which is standing the church was also fortified in these years. In the year 1641 they built the supporting walls and in the sea part they strengthen the hill with the rocky arches. They bega...
Tito Square is the centre of the old town and belongs to the one of the most beautiful city squares in the former Venetian region. It is the juncture of the main town's traffic roads. At the square you can first see the beautiful Praetorian Palace. Tito Square with neighbourhood has the next attractions: Armeria, Pizzarello-Palma Palace, Loggia, the Cathedral of the Assumption, Del Bello Palace, Patriarch's tower, Rotunda of Janez Krstnik. The Praetor's Palace belongs to the central architecture monuments in Koper. It has rich building history from the 13th to the 17th century. In the second half of the...