Koper - Carpaccio Square - Carpacciov trg s Taverno, stebrom sv. Justine in fontano v Kopru
Coastal - Inner CarniolaKoper - Carpaccio Square

Koper - Carpaccio Square

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Interactive map with sights

Carpaccio Square is named by the famous Italian painter V. Carpaccia. At the square is situated his house from the 14th century. In this part the important buildings are also the Taverna, fountain, Saint Justina's column and the Palace Almerigotti. Taverna is the former salt storehouse, which was also named the storehouse of the Saint Mark. The Taverna was probably standing here in the beginning of the 17th century. In the beginning of the 20th century the saltpan activity started to sank and the large salt storehouses became unnecessary. The Taverna was reshaped and intended to the fishmonger's shop, shops, warehouses, lodging houses and other. The exterior of the building did not feel any changes, only in the interior they changed some things, because of the new shops. In the year 2004 they began with the radical renovation of the Taverna. It got the new intention and they almost completely cleared it. Today is the scene for the entertainments and festivities. The Saint Justina's column was sometimes standing by the sea near the salt storehouse. It was built in the memory of the battle at Lepan in the year 1571.



Carpaccio Square - Carpaccio Square with Taverna, Column of St. Justine and fountain  in Koper

Photo: 2553-0

Carpaccio Square with Taverna, Column of St. Justine and fountain in ...
Carpaccio Square - Taverna

Photo: 2553-1

Carpaccio Square - Taverna - Former salt warehouse

Photo: 2553-2

Taverna - Former salt warehouse
Carpaccio Square - Taverna, Column of St. Justine and fountain

Photo: 2553-3

Taverna, Column of St. Justine and fountain
Carpaccio Square - Taverna - Former St. Marc salt warehouse

Photo: 2553-4

Taverna - Former St. Marc salt warehouse
Carpaccio Square - Taverna - Washbowl and lapidary

Photo: 2553-5

Taverna - Washbowl and lapidary
Carpaccio Square - View from Taverna on Column of St. Justine

Photo: 2553-6

View from Taverna on Column of St. Justine
Carpaccio Square - Carpaccio Square with Taverna on left

Photo: 2553-7

Carpaccio Square with Taverna on left
Carpaccio Square - Fountain on Carpaccio Square

Photo: 2553-8

Fountain on Carpaccio Square
Carpaccio Square - Column of St. Justine and Carpaccio House

Photo: 2553-9

Column of St. Justine and Carpaccio House
Carpaccio Square - Carpaccio House  in Koper

Photo: 2553-10

Carpaccio House in Koper
Carpaccio Square - Carpaccio Square in Koper

Photo: 2553-11

Carpaccio Square in Koper
Carpaccio Square - Almerigotti Palace in Koper

Photo: 2553-12

Almerigotti Palace in Koper

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms



Municipality: KOPER (51794 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Koper (25521 population), Sv. Anton (1971), Dekani (1632), Spodnje Škofije (1432), Hrvatini (1292),

Pobegi (1254), Prade (1233), Zgornje Škofije (989), Bertoki (985), Šmarje (897), Kampel (770), Vanganel (654), Gažon (624), Šalara (620), Bonini (610), Bošamarin (602), Kolomban (596), Čežarji (587), Škocjan (587), Plavje (565), Marezige (544), Manžan (506), Krkavče (323), Babiči (310), Puče (271), Koštabona (250), Gračišče (244), Črni Kal (229), Boršt (207), Tinjan (197), Srgaši (187), Pomjan (182), Osp (181), Jelarji (180), Kubed (179), Triban (173), Rižana (159), Popetre (150), Čentur (147), Premančan (142), Lopar (141), Podgorje (140), Pregara (138), Hrastovlje (134), Cerej (126), Kortine (122), Movraž (122), Grintovec (118), Grinjan (117), Barizoni (117), Rakitovec (114), Gabrovica pri Črnem Kalu (108), Dol pri Hrastovljah (97), Loka (96), Cepki (85), Kastelec (80), Poletiči (79), Črnotiče (79), Predloka (79), Zazid (78), Krnica (78), Montinjan (76), Labor (73), Bezovica (68), Brezovica pri Gradinu (66), Truške (66), Lukini (64), Topolovec (63), Gradin (62), Sočerga (60), Glem (59), Kozloviči (53), Trsek (51), Trebeše (51), Podpeč (47), Butari (46), Župančiči (45), Sirči (43), Smokvica (37), Bočaji (31), Dvori (29), Zabavlje (28), Socerb (27), Rožar (25), Praproče (25), Koromači - Boškini (23), Fijeroga (23), Abitanti (22), Dilici (15), Stepani (15), Maršiči (13), Šeki (12), Pisari (12), Galantiči (11), Belvedur (7), Tuljaki (6), Olika (5), Sokoliči (3), Karli (2), Brič (0), Močunigi (0), Brežec pri Podgorju (0), Peraji (0), Zanigrad (0)