Koper - Cevljar Street - Čevljarska ulica v Kopru
Coastal - Inner CarniolaKoper - Cevljar Street

Koper - Cevljar Street

-2 10
-3 10
-2 11

Interactive map with sights

Cevljar street is the most lively and typical Koper street, which almost entirely preserved its original structure and characteristics of the medieval commercial and tradesman's street. The street comes to an end under the portico of the Praetorian Palace. In the preserved remains you can see the original Koper Loggia from the second half of the 13th century. In this area the important buildings are the Orlandini Palace, Barbabianca Palace, Gravisi-Buttorai Palace, Tarsia Palace, De Franceschi Palace, Carli Palace and Almerigogna Palace. The Barbabianca Palace has the typical baroque facade. It is the former seat of the Venetian Office of the taxes (Cameral). The Gravisi-Buttorai Palace is from the second half of the 17th century. It has the accentuated facade. Now is in the renovated building seat of the Self-Governing Community of the Italian Nationality and similar organizations. The Carli Palace is one of the most significant architecture monuments of its peridod with the typical baroque structure. Here was born in the year 1720 the famous Koper illuminist and encyclopaedist Gian Rinaldo Carli. It was previously owned by the Brotherhood of St. Clement. The closed patio inside has the features of the initial Gothic style. The Almerigogna Palace is from the 15th century and it preserved all variety and splendour of the former medieval architecture. It is decorated with paintings from the 15th century and stonecutting short sticks.



Cevljar Street - Cevljarska Street in Koper

Photo: 2558-0

Cevljarska Street in Koper
Cevljar Street - Orlandini Palace - Entrance

Photo: 2558-1

Orlandini Palace - Entrance
Cevljar Street - Orlandini Palace

Photo: 2558-2

Orlandini Palace
Cevljar Street - Barbabiance Palace

Photo: 2558-3

Barbabiance Palace
Cevljar Street - Barbabiance - Kuppelwieser Palace

Photo: 2558-4

Barbabiance - Kuppelwieser Palace
Cevljar Street - Gravisi - Buttorai Palace

Photo: 2558-5

Gravisi - Buttorai Palace
Cevljar Street - Gravisi - Buttorai Palace in Koper

Photo: 2558-6

Gravisi - Buttorai Palace in Koper
Cevljar Street - Tarsia Palace

Photo: 2558-7

Tarsia Palace
Cevljar Street - Tarsia Palace in Koper

Photo: 2558-8

Tarsia Palace in Koper
Cevljar Street - Tarsia Palace - Entrance

Photo: 2558-9

Tarsia Palace - Entrance
Cevljar Street - De Franceschi Palace

Photo: 2558-10

De Franceschi Palace
Cevljar Street - De Franceschi Palace in Koper

Photo: 2558-11

De Franceschi Palace in Koper
Cevljar Street - Carli Palace

Photo: 2558-12

Carli Palace
Cevljar Street - Carli Palace - Patio

Photo: 2558-13

Carli Palace - Patio
Cevljar Street - Almerigogna Palace

Photo: 2558-14

Almerigogna Palace
Cevljar Street - Almerigogna Palace in Koper

Photo: 2558-15

Almerigogna Palace in Koper
Cevljar Street - Almerigogna Palace

Photo: 2558-16

Almerigogna Palace

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms

from 81 €
from 90 €
from 95.41 €


Municipality: KOPER (51794 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Koper (25521 population), Sv. Anton (1971), Dekani (1632), Spodnje Škofije (1432), Hrvatini (1292),

Pobegi (1254), Prade (1233), Zgornje Škofije (989), Bertoki (985), Šmarje (897), Kampel (770), Vanganel (654), Gažon (624), Šalara (620), Bonini (610), Bošamarin (602), Kolomban (596), Škocjan (587), Čežarji (587), Plavje (565), Marezige (544), Manžan (506), Krkavče (323), Babiči (310), Puče (271), Koštabona (250), Gračišče (244), Črni Kal (229), Boršt (207), Tinjan (197), Srgaši (187), Pomjan (182), Osp (181), Jelarji (180), Kubed (179), Triban (173), Rižana (159), Popetre (150), Čentur (147), Premančan (142), Lopar (141), Podgorje (140), Pregara (138), Hrastovlje (134), Cerej (126), Movraž (122), Kortine (122), Grintovec (118), Barizoni (117), Grinjan (117), Rakitovec (114), Gabrovica pri Črnem Kalu (108), Dol pri Hrastovljah (97), Loka (96), Cepki (85), Kastelec (80), Poletiči (79), Črnotiče (79), Predloka (79), Krnica (78), Zazid (78), Montinjan (76), Labor (73), Bezovica (68), Brezovica pri Gradinu (66), Truške (66), Lukini (64), Topolovec (63), Gradin (62), Sočerga (60), Glem (59), Kozloviči (53), Trsek (51), Trebeše (51), Podpeč (47), Butari (46), Župančiči (45), Sirči (43), Smokvica (37), Bočaji (31), Dvori (29), Zabavlje (28), Socerb (27), Rožar (25), Praproče (25), Fijeroga (23), Koromači - Boškini (23), Abitanti (22), Dilici (15), Stepani (15), Maršiči (13), Šeki (12), Pisari (12), Galantiči (11), Belvedur (7), Tuljaki (6), Olika (5), Sokoliči (3), Karli (2), Zanigrad (0), Brič (0), Močunigi (0), Brežec pri Podgorju (0), Peraji (0)