On the map you can see selected place Kriska Gora and Tolsti Vrh with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.
Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.
Gorge Dovzan is situated north from town Trzic. Torrential river Trziska Bistrica excavate it to old earthly stratum. River flows over cascade of immense rounded blocks white flintstone conglomerate. Gorge Dovzan is one of central points in Slovenian geological transverzal. It is protected as natural monument because of its unique location of remains fossilizied life plants and animals in stoneware old earthly century Palaeozoic. The oldest and the biggest founded samples of fossils are old around 270 million years. In this place were first founded and described numerous species of special fossils. Part...
Tržič is the city, which is situated in the confluence of Bistrica and Mošenik. In the year 1492 has emperor Friderik III. raised Tržič from village to square. From the year 1985 the city is secured like cultural monument. In the year 1811 was destroyed in the fire more than 200 houses and workshops. From then have under renovation gave an order that has determined special regulation for obligatory placing of metal door and shutters, which have become genuine European particularity. All buildings also have following common characteristics: portals ornamented with rosettes with the year of making and ini...