Ljubljana is Slovenia's largest and capital city. It is the cultural, geographical, economic, scientific, administrative and political center of Slovenia. It has many cultural, historical and natural attractions. The symbol of the city is the famous Ljubljana Castle on the Castle Hill.
The city developed as a three-part market. Just the most lively and the most beautiful markets are around these three city centers. The Stari trg (Old Square) is a picturesque square located in the old city center of Ljubljana. It is the oldest market in Ljubljana. The center of the Stari trg (Old Square) was at St. Jacob's Church, in the extended area where Stari trg, Gornji trg (New Square) and Levstikov trg (Levstik Square) connect. In the Middle Ages, this part of the city was owned by the Styrian and Kostanjevica Cistercian orders. In a wide area the city fountain stood, next to it lime tree, which was cut down in the 17th century. The tree is already described by Janez Vajkard Valvasor, and it is preserved in Preseren's poem Podvodni moz (The Underwater Man). The side of the square is closed by the Stiski Manor, which was built in 1677 as the residence of the Styrian abbots. It was erected in the 17th century by the Hercules well.
The statue of Hercules was made by Janez Komersteiner in the 1970s. The fountain stood on Old Square until the end of the 18th century, after which it was removed and the statue of Hercules was brought to the Town Hall. The newly constructed fountain with the old statue of Hercules, which kills the monster, was re-erected in front of Stiski Mannor in 1991. It is now called Old Square the Street, which goes from Trance to the beginning of Upper Square. It has preserved several old Baroque palaces, among which the House Stari trg 4, which housed the town's bakery and warehouse, is of particular interest. In the middle of the 16th century, the House Stari trg 6 had a city bath with sauna and tubs and the House Stari trg 3, where the Pod velbom Inn is today. The house still has its original building design since it was not rebuilt and the façade dates from the late 18th century. In the House Stari trg 4 or Valvasor House, it is believed that the polyhistor Janez Vajkard Valvasor was born.
There used to be prisons in the House Stari trg 2 or in the Crnomalj Mannor. In addition to the beautiful baroque facade, the Erberg House is also home to a beautiful baroque staircase. The Schweiger House with Rococo Rochelle belongs to the top of our Baroque. It is a real exception in old Ljubljana, as it has kept its image almost intact.
Start of the Stari trg (Old Square) at Gornji and Levstikov trg
Stari trg 32 - House with preserved elements from 16th century
Sorbara - Steak House
Stari trg 19 - Tapas Bar and Restaurant Altroke
Stari trg 17
Stari trg 17 - Portal
Caffee Antico
Stari trg (Old Square)
Stari trg 15 - Stationer's Shop Tana
View in the direction of Levstikov trg
Secondhand bookshop Cunkal
Babushka butique
Stari trg in the direction to Mestni trg
Stari trg 11
Stari trg in Ljubljana
Tea Time - Tea and service
Ljubljana - Stari trg
Medieval Ljubljana
View of the Cobbler's Bridge from Stari and Mestni trg