Rivers and confluences
Ljubno ob Savinji - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Ljubno ob Savinji - Sotočje Savinje in Ljubnice
Carinthia - Savinja RegionLjubno ob Savinji - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica

Ljubno ob Savinji - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica 

-2 9
4 11

Interactive map with sights


Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Ljubno ob Savinji - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica

Photo: 1652-0

Ljubno ob Savinji - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica

Photo: 1652-1

Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - River Savinja at Ljubno

Photo: 1652-2

River Savinja at Ljubno
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Road between Mozirje and Logar Valley at Ljubno

Photo: 1652-3

Road between Mozirje and Logar Valley at Ljubno
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Bridge over Savinja

Photo: 1652-4

Bridge over Savinja
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Road through Ljubno ob Savinji

Photo: 1652-5

Road through Ljubno ob Savinji
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - View of the river Savinja from the bridge

Photo: 1652-6

View of the river Savinja from the bridge
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Confluence

Photo: 1652-7

Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Outflow of Ljubnica into river Savinja

Photo: 1652-8

Outflow of Ljubnica into river Savinja
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Rafter and raft

Photo: 1652-9

Rafter and raft
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Confluence of Ljubnica and Savinja

Photo: 1652-10

Confluence of Ljubnica and Savinja
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - River Savinja at confluence

Photo: 1652-11

River Savinja at confluence
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Raft at confluence

Photo: 1652-12

Raft at confluence
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Rafter

Photo: 1652-13

Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Arrival to the main road between Mozirje and Logar Valley

Photo: 1652-14

Arrival to the main road between Mozirje and Logar Valley
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Bridge over brook Ljubnica

Photo: 1652-15

Bridge over brook Ljubnica
Confluence of Savinja and Ljubnica - Brook Ljubnica

Photo: 1652-16

Brook Ljubnica

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