The military cemetery of the fallen soldiers in the World War I is marked with the table and is situated near main road to Log pod Mangrtom. Near the cemetery is a small chapel. At the World War I Military Cemetery is in four terraces buried 859 Austo – Hungarian soldiers, fallen in the fights in Rombon and Cukel. In the middle of the of the cemetery is erected the monument of the fallen soldiers with the image of the Bosnian and Austrian soldiers. The monument was made by Ladislav Kofranek from Prague. The tombstones are separated with iron crosses and Islamic tombstone symbols.
Log pod Mangrtom - World War I Military Cemetery
Table for Military Cemetery near main road to Log pod Mangrtom
Chapel near cemetary
View inside chapel
View of cross and chapel
1st World War Military Cemetery and Log pod Mangrtom in background
1st World War Military Cemetery
Monument to slain soldiers represents Bosnian and Austrian soldiers
Monument to slain soldiers at Log pod Mangrtom
Monument to slain soldiers (made by Ladislav Kofranek from Prague)
View of graves with iron crosses and Islamic tombstone symbols
1st World War Military Cemetery at Log pod Mangrtom