Coast - Piran
Coastal - Inner Carniola


Piran - Tartini Square
Strunjan - Moon Bay (Bay of St. Cross)
Piran - Town Walls
Piran - Kidricevo nabrezje (Kidric Quay)
Strunjan - Cape Strunjan and natural coast
-6 2
-8 3
-7 5

Interactive map with sights

Slovenian coast or just Coast is the area, which is comprehending the coast of the Adriatic Sea. It is the shortest European coast. It includes the Bay of Piran, Koper and Strunjan. From Koper to Izola goes the seashore road. By the coast are the largest places Debeli rtic, Ankaran (Tourist Complex Adria Ankaran and the Hotel Convent), Khoper, Izola, Strunjan with Salt-pans, Pacug, Fiesa, Piran, Bernardin, Portoroz, Lucija and Secovlje with Salt-pans. It is about 80 metres high. Fiesa is a smaller bay, which is located between Piran and Strunjan. The bay changed to the popular swimming area with hotels, autocamp, holiday houses and villas in last ten years. Secovlje Salt-pans were first mentioned in the 13th century. They are a resort for more than 150 species of birds. Izola, Koper and Piran are the wonderful cities, which are inviting with the medieval old town centres. Portoroz is a wordly city with many modern hotels, gambling house, gliding airport, camping and fully equipped marine. In summer months has a varied offer of cultural, entertaining and sports events.


Most Beautiful Trips

Coast - St. George's Church <br> Strunjan Bay

Photo: 2507-0

St. George's Church

Strunjan Bay
Coast - Piran <br> View  of Piran (Travesini Palace, St. George's Gate, St. George's Church ...)

Photo: 2510-0


View of Piran (Travesini Palace, St. George'...
Coast - Piran <br> Old town centre of Piran

Photo: 2510-3


Old town centre of Piran
Coast - Piran <br> Town wall

Photo: 2511-0


Town wall
Coast - Fiesa

Photo: 2530-0

Coast - Fiesa <br> Fiesa Lakes

Photo: 2532-0

Coast - Ankaran <br> Adria Ankaran

Photo: 2541-0

Coast - Adria Ankaran <br> Hotel Convent

Photo: 2542-0

Adria Ankaran

Hotel Convent

Coast - Debeli Rtic <br> Beach

Photo: 2548-0

Debeli Rtic


Coast - Koper <br> Carpaccio Square with Taverna, Column of St. Justine and fountain  in Koper

Photo: 2553-0


Carpaccio Square with Taverna, Column of St. ...
Coast - Koper <br> Da Ponte Fountain

Photo: 2554-0


Da Ponte Fountain
Coast - Koper <br> Muda Gate

Photo: 2554-16


Muda Gate
Coast - Koper <br> Praetorian Palace in Koper

Photo: 2555-0


Praetorian Palace in Koper
Coast - Koper <br> Town Tower - Belfry

Photo: 2556-0

Coast - Izola

Photo: 2570-0

Coast - Simonov zaliv (Simon's bay) <br> San Simon

Photo: 2572-0

Simonov zaliv (Simon'...

San Simon

Coast - Simonov zaliv (Simon's bay) <br> Beach

Photo: 2573-0

Simonov zaliv (Simon'...


Coast - Izola <br> Izola - Soncno nabrezje (Sunny quay)

Photo: 2580-0


Izola - Soncno nabrezje (Sunny quay)
Coast - Portoroz <br> Beach

Photo: 2685-0



Coast - Portoroz <br> Kempinski Palace Hotel

Photo: 2694-0

Coast - Seca <br> Garden of cacti

Photo: 2701-0

Coast - Seca <br> St. Bartholomew Channel

Photo: 2705-0

Coast - Seca <br> Forma Viva

Photo: 2708-0


Forma Viva
Coast - Secovlje Salt-pans <br> Demonstration of salt-making

Photo: 2723-0

Coast - Secovlje

Photo: 2750-0

Coast - Strunjan <br> Strunjan Saltworks

Photo: 2501001-0

Coast - Strunjan <br> Cape Strunjan and natural coast

Photo: 2501003-0

Coast - Strunjan <br> Moon Bay (Bay of St. Cross)

Photo: 2501007-0

Coast - Belvedere

Photo: 2520000-15

Coast - Sv. Katarina (Polje Bay) <br> Shell dunes (Shells Cemetery)

Photo: 2530010-20

Sv. Katarina (Polje B...

Shell dunes (Shells Cemetery)

Coast - Vinakoper <br> Wine Celler

Photo: 2551503-5


Wine Celler


Municipality: IZOLA (16015 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Izola (11353 population), Jagodje (2146), Korte (824), Šared (605), Malija (478),

Dobrava (250), Baredi (143), Cetore (143), Nožed (73)

Municipality: KOPER (51794 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Koper (25521 population), Sv. Anton (1971), Dekani (1632), Spodnje Škofije (1432), Hrvatini (1292),

Pobegi (1254), Prade (1233), Zgornje Škofije (989), Bertoki (985), Šmarje (897), Kampel (770), Vanganel (654), Gažon (624), Šalara (620), Bonini (610), Bošamarin (602), Kolomban (596), Čežarji (587), Škocjan (587), Plavje (565), Marezige (544), Manžan (506), Krkavče (323), Babiči (310), Puče (271), Koštabona (250), Gračišče (244), Črni Kal (229), Boršt (207), Tinjan (197), Srgaši (187), Pomjan (182), Osp (181), Jelarji (180), Kubed (179), Triban (173), Rižana (159), Popetre (150), Čentur (147), Premančan (142), Lopar (141), Podgorje (140), Pregara (138), Hrastovlje (134), Cerej (126), Kortine (122), Movraž (122), Grintovec (118), Grinjan (117), Barizoni (117), Rakitovec (114), Gabrovica pri Črnem Kalu (108), Dol pri Hrastovljah (97), Loka (96), Cepki (85), Kastelec (80), Črnotiče (79), Predloka (79), Poletiči (79), Zazid (78), Krnica (78), Montinjan (76), Labor (73), Bezovica (68), Brezovica pri Gradinu (66), Truške (66), Lukini (64), Topolovec (63), Gradin (62), Sočerga (60), Glem (59), Kozloviči (53), Trsek (51), Trebeše (51), Podpeč (47), Butari (46), Župančiči (45), Sirči (43), Smokvica (37), Bočaji (31), Dvori (29), Zabavlje (28), Socerb (27), Praproče (25), Rožar (25), Koromači - Boškini (23), Fijeroga (23), Abitanti (22), Dilici (15), Stepani (15), Maršiči (13), Pisari (12), Šeki (12), Galantiči (11), Belvedur (7), Tuljaki (6), Olika (5), Sokoliči (3), Karli (2), Brežec pri Podgorju (0), Peraji (0), Zanigrad (0), Brič (0), Močunigi (0)

Municipality: PIRAN (17643 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Lucija (6057 population), Piran (3804), Portorož (2928), Seča (1231), Parecag (991),

Sečovlje (778), Strunjan (610), Dragonja (430), Sv. Peter (392), Nova vas nad Dragonjo (234), Padna (188)