Coastal - Inner Carniola - Piran
Coastal - Inner Carniola

Coastal - Inner Carniola

Where is Coastal - Inner Carniola?

On the map you can see selected place Coastal - Inner Carniola with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Koper - Old Town Centre

The old city centre has many important buildings. Among them are Carpaccio square with Taverna, Saint Justina’s column and fountain, fountain Da Ponte, the Muda Gate, Praetorian Palace (Pretorijska palača), cathedral and the defence tower, square Brolo with the park, Fontico with the heraldic decoration, Palace Tarsia, Palace Almerigogna, Palace De Belli, the Rotunda of the Assumption. Carpaccio Square is embellished with the Carpaccio House, the Gothic building from the 15th century. It was the residence of the Venetian painter Benedetto Carpaccio, the son of the famous Vittore. They left the city the ...

Skocjan Caves

Skocjan Caves are located in the wonderful Karst in the nearness of Divaca. With the spacious halls and underground gorges they have a special place among caves in Slovenia. Skocjan Caves consist of eleven caves, sinks, natural bridges, sinkholes and many other. They are part of the World Heritage Register by UNESCO from the year 1986 because of its unique cultural and natural heritage. In the cave we can see curtains, large sockets and colorful, big stalagmites different forms. In Skocjan Caves is the main the Velika voda – Reka, which flows booming in rapids, falls in waterfalls and slows in lakes and...

Predjama Castle

The Predjama Castle is located under the overhanging rock in the region Podgora, which is only 9 kilometres from Postojna, beside the village of Predjama. It is also called eagle nest of the robbery knight Erazem Predjamski, about who exists lots of legends. The Predjama Castle is carved in the vivid rock. It was existing already in the 13th century, probably sooner. It was managed by Jamski, which belonged under the Oglej property. After Jamski the castle was under management of the Adam Purgstaller and from the year 1567 were in it the family Kobenzl, who also provided for the renovation. The last ari...

Piran - Tartini Square

Piran is a wonderful old port town in Slovenian Istria. The city preserved the medieval plan with narrow streets and squeezed houses, which gives it the special charm. Tartini Square is the centre of Piran and the largest square. It got the name by the Giuseppe Tartini (1692 – 1770), the famous composer and violinist. The main square became in the end of the 13th century. The image, which has it today, got in the other half of the 19th century. It began with the covering of the inner port. On the square are Tartini house, the Saint Peter's Church, baroque house, hotel Tartini, interesting stony columns ...