Olimje is a village, which has a gold medal for the best regulated Europe village in 2009. The place is very well known by the Monastery Olimje with the oldest pharmacy in Europe, the Church of the Mary’s Assumption, Jelenov greben (Deer Crest), Cokoladnica Olimje (Chocolate shop), Koca pri carovnici (Witch Hut) and other. In the nearness is the swimming pool and spa centre Terme Olimia. Koca pri Carovnici (Witch Hut) is situated about one kilometer above the Monastery Olimje. It lies in the middle of the forest and visitors can walk among different historical and fairytale characters such us Snow White, Kekec, Bedanc, Little Red Riding Hood and many others. You will be welcomed by the Tom thumb and witch Cira-Cara. In the land of fantasy and fairy tales you will also meet other witches and family Korencek from the Olimje hill. To visitors are available geography and historical lesson. During the season is Witch Hut open every Saturday, on Sundays and public holiday from 9 a.m. to 18 p.m. In the case of groups is necessary to book in advance.
Olimje - Koca pri carovnici (Witch Hut)
Sad knight calls for fight for clear Slovenia
Entrance into the Land of fairy tales and fantasy
Land of fairy tales and fantasy in Olimje
Witch Hut in Olimje
Municipality Butale
Fairy Cira-Cara
A wedding scene from a Slovene fairy tale
Witch Ciri-bura - Hansel and Gretel
Twinkle Sleepyhead
Chimney sweep
Path through the Land of fairy tales and fantasy
Witch Cirimbara
Bottles melody
Red Riding Hood
General Maister
Two little dwarfs in the gold mine
Dwarf blacksmith
Paradise on Earth - Adam and Eve
Zogica Nogica
Aunt Pehta
Koca pri carovnici - Land of fairy tales and fantasy