Drava - Mura Region - Babičev mlin na Muri
Drava - Mura Region

Drava - Mura Region

Where is Drava - Mura Region?

On the map you can see selected place Drava - Mura Region with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Selo in Prekmurje - Rotunda

Romanic rotunda of Saint Nikolaj is located about two kilometres to the west from the Slovenian - Hungarian border. It was built in the 13th century in the valley of Kobilje brook by the medieval traffic road from the Alps to the Panonska lowland. In 19th century they added to rotunda bell tower, covered dome with tinplate and gave the Gothic wing altar to Budapest. The circular sanctuary is architecturely excellent remnant of the presumptionly larger medieval post. The interior was first time probably painted around the year 1300. Today's, partly reconstructed appearance was given after the extensive c...

Maribor - Three Ponds

The three ponds are situated north of Maribor near the city park. In the past the ponds were water reserves that supplied the town's defense moat. Today are the three ponds artificially made lakes, which are filled up with water from the nearest brooks. It also exist the fourth pond from which flow two canals and fill up the first, second and third lake. The first pond has fountain and in the second is the artificial island for nesting ducks and swans. The third pond is the warmest and it freezes only in the rare circumstances in the winter. This region offers beside its beauty also the variety of the r...

Lake Crno jezero (Black Lake)

Crno jezero is situated in Pohorje on the forest ridge between Osankarica and Trije kralji. The lake was artificially made and is about 50 hectare large. It is from around 6000 BC, when the inhabitants deepen the swamp region and changed it to the lake. In the middle of the 19th century the lake was increased because of the timber which was put into the valley. The crystal clear lake is home of rare vegetable and animal species. Crno jezero is overgrown with peat moss and pinewood. The black colour gives the lake dark and thick layer of silt. The lake is protected as the forest reserve. The easiest way ...

Grad Castle in Goricko

Grad Castle is located in the village Grad in Goricko. The village Grad is the biggest and the oldest settlement in Goricko. The castle is a cultural memorial and it is very important in the state level. It is protected with its surroundings and castle park as the artistry, architecture and cultural memorial. The castle is the big trump for the touristical resuscitate of the village Grad. The local people wants that the castle would be live again as the centre of the political, economical and cultural life of the region. Grad Castle is at the moment under the renovation. It is the biggest castle complex...

Slovenska Bistrica Castle

Slovenska Bistrica Castle is located in the immediate nearness of the city centre. It is the powerful building, which can be hardly missed. At the castle is the park, which attracts locals and other visitors in every time of the year. The Slovenska Bistrica Castle was first mentioned in the year 1313. It has variegated history, because it changed the owners several times. At the beginning it was in the ducal lands. In the year 1587 bought it the aristocratic family Vetter, later von der Lilie. The next owners were the family Wildenstein before the end of the 17th century. They are famous by the forming ...

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms

from 108.9 €
from 135.9 €
from 70 €
from 90 €
from 120.08 €
from 150.1 €