Ptuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Ptuj - Slovenski trg
Drava - Mura RegionPtuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square)

Ptuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square)

Ptuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square)
-2 3
1 5
-2 5

Interactive map with sights

Slovenian Square was sometimes named the Main Square. In this part was the market hall to the year 1923. The city was ending here till the 12th century and later was spreading to the east. Today is the central part of the old town centre, where we can find lots of important monuments and buildings. We can see the Orpheus’ Monument, City Tower, St. George Parish Church, theatre, Lutenberg House, where is the Tourist Information Centre, old Town Hall, market hall and other. In this part is also the Hotel Mitra, which is famous by its thematic furnished rooms in five styles. In the hotel is wonderfully intertwined history with all the obtains of the modernity. Orpheus’ Monument is a name for a Roman tombstone made from the Pohorje marble, which is almost five metres high. It was erected in the 2th century to the memory of the Mark Valerij Vera, the mayor of the city. In the Middle Ages was a shame column. The City Tower is the most mighty renaissance building in the city and one of the oldest lapidaries outdoors. The St. George Church is the most beautiful architecture monument of Ptuj from the 12 th century. On this place was standing the old Christian basilica in the past. The primary theatre building was made from wood. It was renovated in the year 2007. The old City Hall was the seat of the authority till the year 1907.


Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Ptuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square)

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Ptuj - Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square)
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - St. George Church from market hall in Ptuj

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St. George Church from market hall in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - City Tower in Ptuj

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City Tower in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Lapidary along St. George Church

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Lapidary along St. George Church
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Old Roman stone at church in Ptuj

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Old Roman stone at church in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Side entrance into St. George Parish Church

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Side entrance into St. George Parish Church
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - St. George Parish Church

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St. George Parish Church
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Inside of the St. George Church

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Inside of the St. George Church
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - St. Georg Church with lapidary

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St. Georg Church with lapidary
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Statue at St. George Church

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Statue at St. George Church
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Gallery of St. George

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Gallery of St. George
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Roman stones near City Tower in Ptuj

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Roman stones near City Tower in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Old Roman Stones near City Tower

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Old Roman Stones near City Tower
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Orpheus' Monument

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Orpheus' Monument
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Orpheus' Monument and City Town in Ptuj

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Orpheus' Monument and City Town in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Orpheus' Monument and Theatre in Ptuj

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Orpheus' Monument and Theatre in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Theatre and Murkova ulica that leads to Mestni trg

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Theatre and Murkova ulica that leads to Mestni trg
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Start of the Murkova ulica in Ptuj

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Start of the Murkova ulica in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - City Tower

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City Tower
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Presernova ulica

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Presernova ulica
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Slovenski trg

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Slovenski trg
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Lutenberg House - Tourist Information Centre Ptuj

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Lutenberg House - Tourist Information Centre Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Old City Hall on Slovenski trg

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Old City Hall on Slovenski trg
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Parish House of St. George in Ptuj

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Parish House of St. George in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Slovenski trg at night

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Slovenski trg at night
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Roman House on the left

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Roman House on the left
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Presernova ulica at night

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Presernova ulica at night
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Murkova ulica in Ptuj

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Murkova ulica in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Slomskova ulica in Ptuj

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Slomskova ulica in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Market hall in Ptuj

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Market hall in Ptuj
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Hotel Mitra

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Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Hotel Mitra <br> Coffeehouse in Hotel Mitra

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Hotel Mitra

Coffeehouse in Hotel Mitra
Slovenski trg (Slovenian Square) - Hotel Mitra <br> Room before wine cellar

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Hotel Mitra

Room before wine cellar

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
from 89 €
from 94 €
from 107.44 €
from 109.9 €


Municipality: PTUJ (23162 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Ptuj (17793 population), Krčevina pri Vurbergu (906), Spuhlja (871), Podvinci (840), Kicar (794),

Mestni Vrh (675), Grajenščak (496), Grajena (345), Pacinje (240), Spodnji Velovlek (202)