Sentjernej with neighbourhood - Konstanjevica na Krki
Southeast Slovenia

Sentjernej with neighbourhood

Where is Sentjernej with neighbourhood?

On the map you can see selected place Sentjernej with neighbourhood with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Kostanjevica Castle - Bozidar Jakac Gallery

The Bozidar Jakac Gallery is situated in Kostanjevica na Krki. It was established in the year 1974. Most of the pictures are from expressionists. The first starts of the gallery goes back to the year 1956, when was in the places of the elementary school established The Gorjup Gallery. The Gallery Bozidar Jakac is situated in the rooms of the former Cistercian monastery, which the local people also call it Kloster or Kostanjevica Castle. Before the entrance to the gallery is beautiful lime avenue, which in summer times gives nice shadow. The Church of the Virgin Mary and the cloisters are the oldest part...

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
from 86.9 €
from 129.8 €
from 364.65 €
from 660 €
from 45 €
from 55 €