CavesThe most beautiful places
Skocjan Caves - Škocjanske jame
Coastal - Inner CarniolaSkocjan Caves

Skocjan Caves 

Interactive map with sights

Skocjan Caves are located in the wonderful Karst in the nearness of Divaca. With the spacious halls and underground gorges they have a special place among caves in Slovenia. Skocjan Caves consist of eleven caves, sinks, natural bridges, sinkholes and many other. They are part of the World Heritage Register by UNESCO from the year 1986 because of its unique cultural and natural heritage. In the cave we can see curtains, large sockets and colorful, big stalagmites different forms. In Skocjan Caves is the main the Velika voda – Reka, which flows booming in rapids, falls in waterfalls and slows in lakes and pools. Skocjan Caves can be seen in the company of experienced guides. The sightseeing takes about one and a half hour. In the tour we see Paradiz, Podorna Hall, Velika Hall, Tiha cave, which was discovered in the year 1904, Sumeca cave, narrow Henke channel from the Cerkvenik bridge, Sumeca cave, Schmidl hall and other. Cerkvenik bridge was built by plans of Franc Cerkvenik in the year 1937 and it was renovated in the year 2003. We can live the underground world by the footpath or we can drive with the elevator.


Skocjan Caves - Skocjan Caves

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Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves - Entrance into Skocjan Caves in Globocak

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Entrance into Skocjan Caves in Globocak
Skocjan Caves - Artificial tunnel into Skocjan Caves

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Artificial tunnel into Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves - Starting part of Skocjan Caves - Paradise

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Starting part of Skocjan Caves - Paradise
Skocjan Caves - Skocjan Caves - Paradise

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Skocjan Caves - Paradise
Skocjan Caves - Paradise

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Skocjan Caves - Podorna dvorana (Sinking hall)

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Podorna dvorana (Sinking hall)
Skocjan Caves - Lower part of Podorna dvorana

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Lower part of Podorna dvorana
Skocjan Caves - Intermediate part between Podorna and Velika dvorana

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Intermediate part between Podorna and Velika dvorana
Skocjan Caves - Column

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Skocjan Caves - Starting part of Velika dvorana (Large Hall)

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Starting part of Velika dvorana (Large Hall)
Skocjan Caves - Stalactites in Skocjan Caves

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Stalactites in Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves - Beautiful stalagmites in Velika dvorana

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Beautiful stalagmites in Velika dvorana
Skocjan Caves - Skocjan Caves

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Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves - Stalagmites

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Skocjan Caves - Last part of Velika dvorana

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Last part of Velika dvorana
Skocjan Caves - Church organ

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Church organ
Skocjan Caves - Tiha jama (Silent Cave)

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Tiha jama (Silent Cave)
Skocjan Caves - Descent between Velika and Sumeca jama

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Descent between Velika and Sumeca jama
Skocjan Caves - View of Sumeca jama

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View of Sumeca jama
Skocjan Caves - Sumeca jama

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Sumeca jama
Skocjan Caves - Sumeca jama with river Reka

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Sumeca jama with river Reka
Skocjan Caves - Hanke Channel from Cerkvenik bridge

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Hanke Channel from Cerkvenik bridge
Skocjan Caves - River Reka

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River Reka
Skocjan Caves - Sumeca jama with Tiha jama in the background

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Sumeca jama with Tiha jama in the background
Skocjan Caves - Tourist path along canyon of river Reka

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Tourist path along canyon of river Reka
Skocjan Caves - Path in Skocjan Caves

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Path in Skocjan Caves
Skocjan Caves - Skocjan Caves - Sumeca jama

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Skocjan Caves - Sumeca jama
Skocjan Caves - Stalactites on the path

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Stalactites on the path
Skocjan Caves - Small pans

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Small pans
Skocjan Caves - Schmidl Hall

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Schmidl Hall
Skocjan Caves - Exit from Skocjan Caves

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Exit from Skocjan Caves

Caves around

Distances in brackets are approximate air distances. Street distances can be much longer.

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms


Municipality: DIVAČA (4085 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Divača (1615 population), Senožeče (587), Dolnje Ležeče (232), Dolenja vas (159), Famlje (141),

Kačiče - Pared (128), Dolnje Vreme (117), Škoflje (105), Gornje Vreme (100), Barka (98), Laže (93), Senadole (74), Dane pri Divači (69), Naklo (59), Zavrhek (54), Matavun (52), Vremski Britof (49), Potoče (46), Gabrče (40), Gornje Ležeče (37), Vareje (33), Misliče (30), Goriče pri Famljah (27), Brežec pri Divači (24), Otošče (22), Podgrad pri Vremah (21), Vatovlje (19), Gradišče pri Divači (17), Kozjane (16), Betanja (15), Škocjan (6)