The Old Town Centres
Slovenj Gradec - Old Town Centre - Koroški pokrajinski muzej v Slovenj Gradcu
Carinthia - Savinja RegionSlovenj Gradec - Old Town Centre

Slovenj Gradec - Old Town Centre

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-8 3
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Interactive map with sights


Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> Carinthian regional museum in Slovenj Gradec

Photo: 3553-0

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

Carinthian regional museum in Slovenj Gradec
Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> Venetian horse of Oskar Kogoj

Photo: 3553-7

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

Venetian horse of Oskar Kogoj
Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec

Photo: 3553-9

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec
Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> Birth house of Hugo Wolf where is Music school today

Photo: 3553-14

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

Birth house of Hugo Wolf where is Music schoo...
Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> Mirko Bratusa - Fons Vitae - Figure

Photo: 3553-17

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

Mirko Bratusa - Fons Vitae - Figure
Old Town Centre - Glavni trg (Main Square) <br> Mirko Bratusa - Fons Vitae - Obelisk

Photo: 3553-19

Glavni trg (Main Squa...

Mirko Bratusa - Fons Vitae - Obelisk
Old Town Centre - Rotenturn Manor

Photo: 3554-0

Old Town Centre - Rotenturn Manor <br> Fence around Rotenturn Manor

Photo: 3554-1

Rotenturn Manor

Fence around Rotenturn Manor
Old Town Centre - Rotenturn Manor <br> Entrance into Rotenturn Manor from Solska ulica

Photo: 3554-15

Rotenturn Manor

Entrance into Rotenturn Manor from Solska uli...
Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> Church of the Holy Spirit (sv. Duh) and St. Elizabeth in Slovenj Gradec

Photo: 3555-0

Trg svobode with neig...

Church of the Holy Spirit (sv. Duh) and St. E...
Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> Roof of the church of the Holy Spirit

Photo: 3555-11

Trg svobode with neig...

Roof of the church of the Holy Spirit
Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> Medieval walls

Photo: 3555-15

Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> City park in Slovenj Gradec

Photo: 3555-16

Trg svobode with neig...

City park in Slovenj Gradec
Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> Soklic museum

Photo: 3555-19

Old Town Centre - Trg svobode with neighbourhood <br> Slovenj Gradec Hotel

Photo: 3555-24

Trg svobode with neig...

Slovenj Gradec Hotel