Castles, manors, towers, forts, fortifications
Old Castle Celje - Stari grad Celje
Carinthia - Savinja RegionOld Castle Celje

Old Castle Celje 

Old Castle Celje
-1 7
-1 6
-2 2

Interactive map with sights


Old Castle Celje - Old Castle Celje

Photo: 1011-0

Old Castle Celje
Old Castle Celje - Parking area in front of the entrance into Old Castle

Photo: 1011-1

Parking area in front of the entrance into Old Castle
Old Castle Celje - View of the parking area from the castle walls

Photo: 1011-2

View of the parking area from the castle walls
Old Castle Celje - View of the castle through the entrance

Photo: 1011-3

View of the castle through the entrance
Old Castle Celje - Information, admission fee, souvenirs, etc.

Photo: 1011-4

Information, admission fee, souvenirs, etc.
Old Castle Celje - Information about the castle history

Photo: 1011-5

Information about the castle history
Old Castle Celje - Coffeehouse Veronika

Photo: 1011-6

Coffeehouse Veronika
Old Castle Celje - Coffeehouse Veronika - Children's playground

Photo: 1011-7

Coffeehouse Veronika - Children's playground
Old Castle Celje - Children's playground between the castle walls near Coffeehouse Veronika

Photo: 1011-8

Children's playground between the castle walls near Coffeehouse Veroni...
Old Castle Celje - Guardhouse

Photo: 1011-9

Old Castle Celje - Midwall

Photo: 1011-10

Old Castle Celje - Walking on the walls of the Old Castle

Photo: 1011-11

Walking on the walls of the Old Castle
Old Castle Celje - Frederick's tower

Photo: 1011-12

Frederick's tower
Old Castle Celje - East part of the Old Castle Celje

Photo: 1011-13

East part of the Old Castle Celje
Old Castle Celje - Frederick's tower on the Old Castle above Celje

Photo: 1011-14

Frederick's tower on the Old Castle above Celje
Old Castle Celje - West part of the Old Castle Celje

Photo: 1011-15

West part of the Old Castle Celje
Old Castle Celje - Central castle yard for entertainments

Photo: 1011-16

Central castle yard for entertainments
Old Castle Celje - Well

Photo: 1011-17

Old Castle Celje - Moat

Photo: 1011-18

Old Castle Celje - Old Castle above Celje

Photo: 1011-19

Old Castle above Celje
Old Castle Celje - Path over drawbridge to the Gothic palatium

Photo: 1011-20

Path over drawbridge to the Gothic palatium
Old Castle Celje - Drawbridge above moat

Photo: 1011-21

Drawbridge above moat
Old Castle Celje - Walls

Photo: 1011-22

Old Castle Celje - Tower above Pelikan's path

Photo: 1011-23

Tower above Pelikan's path
Old Castle Celje - Romanesque palatium

Photo: 1011-24

Romanesque palatium
Old Castle Celje - View platform

Photo: 1011-25

View platform
Old Castle Celje - View platform with a view of Celje

Photo: 1011-26

View platform with a view of Celje
Old Castle Celje - Romanesque palatium on the Old Castle Celje

Photo: 1011-27

Romanesque palatium on the Old Castle Celje
Old Castle Celje - Gothic palatium

Photo: 1011-28

Gothic palatium
Old Castle Celje - Tables and view platform near Gothic palatium

Photo: 1011-29

Tables and view platform near Gothic palatium
Old Castle Celje - Passage near Romanesque palatium

Photo: 1011-30

Passage near Romanesque palatium
Old Castle Celje - Knight's sword

Photo: 1011-31

Knight's sword
Old Castle Celje - View <br> Celje

Photo: 1012-0


Old Castle Celje - View <br> Castle walls with Savinja and road to Lasko

Photo: 1012-7


Castle walls with Savinja and road to Lasko
Old Castle Celje - Wedding hall

Photo: 1013-0

Old Castle Celje - Scriptorium

Photo: 1014-0

Old Castle Celje - Path <br> Vnesite besedilo ali naslov spletnega mesta ali prevedite dokument.
Prevajanje iz jezika »slovenščina« v jezik »angleščina«
Path to the Old Castle

Photo: 1015-0


Vnesite besedilo ali naslov spletnega mesta a...
Old Castle Celje - Path <br> Path to the Castle hill

Photo: 1015-11


Path to the Castle hill
Old Castle Celje - Path <br> Frederick's tower from the Pelikan's path

Photo: 1015-12


Frederick's tower from the Pelikan's path

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
from 180 €
from 58 €
from 60 €
from 61.2 €
from 68 €


Municipality: CELJE (49377 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Celje (37959 population), Trnovlje pri Celju (1374), Ljubečna (1083), Zadobrova (871), Lopata (662),

Košnica pri Celju (574), Gorica pri Šmartnem (524), Škofja vas (516), Bukovžlak (393), Prekorje (378), Začret (352), Teharje (327), Medlog (322), Lokrovec (311), Zvodno (277), Pečovnik (271), Šmartno v Rožni dolini (249), Vrhe (243), Brezova (243), Slatina v Rožni dolini (232), Dobrova (215), Šmiklavž pri Škofji vasi (211), Šmarjeta pri Celju (204), Leskovec (203), Šentjungert (155), Rožni Vrh (150), Loče (124), Lahovna (122), Otemna (119), Žepina (105), Osenca (97), Pepelno (96), Rupe (87), Slance (77), Tremerje (68), Jezerce pri Šmartnem (65), Glinsko (41), Lipovec pri Škofji vasi (40), Runtole (37)