Strunjan - Strunjan
Coastal - Inner CarniolaStrunjan


Strunjan - Moon Bay (Bay of St. Cross)
Strunjan - Bele skale (beach)
Strunjan - Cape Strunjan and natural coast
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Interactive map with sights

In the year 1990 the area of the Bay of Strunjan between Piran and Izola was protected as a natural reserve. It occupies 160 hectares of land area. The area of Strunjan Nature Reserve is part of Strunjan Landscape Park.
The area of Strunjan Nature Reserve is site of a great biodiversity and conservation interest, important also for the ecological stability of the entire Gulf of Trieste. The most significant feature of the natural reserve is up to 80 meters high cliff. It is a typical example of a flysch cliff with horizontal layer of sandstone, marl and turbidite and the gravel terrace along the shoreline. Due to intensive weathering, weather and sea activity, a great variety of different geomorfological phenomena can be found at the foot of the cliff. The Strunjan Nature Reserve offers a large variety of geological and geomorfological phenomena: microtectonic faults, rocks fallen from the thick layer of turbidite and scattered at the bottom of the cliff and numerous rock shelters, cut into the soft flysch rock by the sea's eroding power. Stjuža is the only lagoon on the Slovene coast. In former times it was an open bay, until the embankment was built between the sea and the bay more than 200 years ago. Today, the lagoon is connected with the sea only with a small channel. The name Stjuža originates from the Italian word chiusa – closed. The Stjuža lagoon and Strunjan saltpans constitute an exceptional interlacing of natural environments.
There are two areas that deserve particular attention: Zaliv sv. Križa (Bay of St. Cross), because of its seagrass meadow with noble pen shell and seahorses and the maritime par of Cape Ronek because of its exceptionally dense algal vegetation and typical Cystoseira associations.



Strunjan - Strunjan

Photo: 2501000-0

Strunjan - Strunjan Landscape Park - Information boad

Photo: 2501000-1

Strunjan Landscape Park - Information boad
Strunjan - Strunjan Landscape Park - Map

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Strunjan Landscape Park - Map
Strunjan - Strunjan Landscape Park

Photo: 2501000-3

Strunjan Landscape Park
Strunjan - Parking area in Strunjan near Stjuza

Photo: 2501000-4

Parking area in Strunjan near Stjuza
Strunjan - Sunset in Strunjan

Photo: 2501000-5

Sunset in Strunjan
Strunjan - Parking area in Strunjan

Photo: 2501000-6

Parking area in Strunjan
Strunjan - Coast

Photo: 2501000-7

Strunjan - Sailing boats in the Piran direction

Photo: 2501000-8

Sailing boats in the Piran direction
Strunjan - Hotel Svoboda in Strunjan

Photo: 2501000-9

Hotel Svoboda in Strunjan
Strunjan - Promenade between Stjuza and the beach

Photo: 2501000-10

Promenade between Stjuza and the beach
Strunjan - Road into Strunjan

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Road into Strunjan
Strunjan - Promenade to the beach

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Promenade to the beach
Strunjan - Restaurant Primorka

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Restaurant Primorka
Strunjan - Strunjan Saltworks

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Strunjan - Strunjan Saltworks <br> Strunjan Saltworks along the channel into Stjuza Lagoon

Photo: 2501001-9

Strunjan Saltworks

Strunjan Saltworks along the channel into Stj...
Strunjan - Beach (Bathing Area Talaso) <br> Beach in the direction of Strunjan Saltworks

Photo: 2501002-4

Beach (Bathing Area T...

Beach in the direction of Strunjan Saltworks
Strunjan - Beach (Bathing Area Talaso) <br> Pier in Strunjan

Photo: 2501002-9

Beach (Bathing Area T...

Pier in Strunjan
Strunjan - Lagoon Stjuza

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Strunjan - Lagoon Stjuza <br> Wooden bridge over the channel

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Lagoon Stjuza

Wooden bridge over the channel
Strunjan - Lagoon Stjuza <br> Boats in the channel

Photo: 2501004-13

Lagoon Stjuza

Boats in the channel
Strunjan - Strunjan's Cross

Photo: 2501006-0

Strunjan - Church of the Vision of St. Mary <br> Church of the Vision of St. Mary - Interior

Photo: 2501008-5

Church of the Vision ...

Church of the Vision of St. Mary - Interior
Strunjan - Church of the Vision of St. Mary <br> Franciscan monastery in Strunjan

Photo: 2501008-13

Church of the Vision ...

Franciscan monastery in Strunjan
Strunjan - Bele skale (beach)

Photo: 2501015-5

Strunjan - Camp Strunjan

Photo: 2501020-0

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms


Municipality: PIRAN (17643 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Lucija (6057 population), Piran (3804), Portorož (2928), Seča (1231), Parecag (991),

Sečovlje (778), Strunjan (610), Dragonja (430), Sv. Peter (392), Nova vas nad Dragonjo (234), Padna (188)