Vipava is a smaller town, which is located in the upper part of Vipava Valley. The city has interesting old town centre, where we can also see two main sources of Vipava River. We can find them only few meters away from the Main Square. In the Main Square is located a Tourist Information Centre Vipava, where we can get many useful information, a Plecnik monument dedicated to killed in the Second World War, Lanthieri Mansion and a Vipava Park. Lanthieri Mansion was built in the year 1669 and is an example of the Venetian architecture. Its first owners were the Lanthieris, who lived before in the Tabor castle. The Lanthieris renovated a manor in 1762 and gave it a baroque image. The central part of the building with the main entrance was stressed with a stony portal, above which is a balcony with a balustrade fence. Besides the castle owners also renovated the surroundings. In front of the building they made an elongated park with a fountain. They put in the park the baroque statues of boys with different attributes, who told about life and work in the landscape. The Main Square in Vipava represents a centre of happening in the town, here are also restaurants, shops and other.
Glavni trg (Main Square)
Vipava - Glavni trg (Main Square)
Glavni trg (Main Square) - North side
Glavni trg (Main Square) - South side
Glavni trg (Main Square) with house Glavni trg 2 on the left
Tourist Information Centre Vipava
Buildings on the east side of the Glavni trg
Passage to Glavni trg
On the left side is passage to the spring of Vipava river
Glavni trg with Plecnik monument
South part of Glavni trg with Lanthieri Mansion
Glavni trg from the south side
Hranilnica Vipava (Savings bank)
Vipava - Vojko Street
Vipava - Krelj Street