Volcje - Volčje
Coastal - Inner CarniolaVolcje


Where is Volcje?

On the map you can see selected place Volcje with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Rakov Skocjan - Little Natural Bridge

Rakov Skocjan is 6 kilometres long Karst valley of the brook Rak with water and dry caves, sinks, springs and sinkholes. The greatest specialities are Little Natural Bridge, Big Natural Bridge and the ruins of St. Kancijan Church. The valley with the surface 110 hectares is protected from the year 1949. It is allowed the visit of the remarkablenesses and peaceful relaxation in nature, but making fire is permitted only on fixed places. Eastern side of Rakov Skocjan is the Karst most divided part of the valley. Here under the land flows the river Rak and part of the waters from Cerknica lake. Immense land...

Sneznik Castle

Sneznik Castle is the best preserved castle in Notranjska region. It is located under the mountain Sneznik near the place Kozarisce. The castle is built on a rock at the source of the Brezno Spring and the Obrh. Below the castle is the spring dammed into a large pond. In sources the Sneznik Castle was first mentioned in the year 1268 as the hunting post. The formation of the present castle goes to the year 1462. First owners were the Aquileian Patriarchs and later the owners changed several times. Before the war it was the property of the family Schönburg from the vicinity of Dresden. Sneznik Castle is ...