Zalec - Kukec House - Žalec - Kukčeva hiša
Carinthia - Savinja RegionZalec - Kukec House

Zalec - Kukec House

Slandrov trg 23, Zalec

Where is Kukec House?

On the map you can see selected place Kukec House with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Zalec - The Green Gold Fountain

Zalec is a small town that represents the administrative and economic center in the municipality of the same name. It is located in the Savinja Valley and has been a town since 1964. As a center of Slovenian hop growing, the place has been known since the end of the 19th century. Other economic activities include trade, crafts and metallurgy. In written sources was first mentioned in 1256. The oldest monument is the former pilgrimage or Gothic church of Saint Nicholas from the 12th century, which was completely renovated in 1906. Tourist attractions of Zalec are Savin's House from 1669, Zotel Forge, E...

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
from 113.97 €
from 122.97 €