The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia,
State map in measure 1 : 1.000.000, 1995
Sneznik Castle is the best preserved castle in Notranjska region. It is located under the mountain Sneznik near the place Kozarisce. The castle is built on a rock at the source of the Brezno Spring and the Obrh. Below the castle is the spring dammed into a large pond. In sources the Sneznik Castle was first mentioned in the year 1268 as the hunting post. The formation of the present castle goes to the ye ...
The Predjama Castle is located under the overhanging rock in the region Podgora, which is only 9 kilometres from Postojna, beside the village of Predjama. It is also called eagle nest of the robbery knight Erazem Predjamski, about who exists lots of legends. The Predjama Castle is carved in the vivid rock. It was existing already in the 13th century, probably sooner. It was managed by Jamski, which belon ...
Zagorje is a small village in the Municipality of Pivka in the Inner Carniola region. In the village is a parish church, which is dedicated to Saint Helena and the chapel at the cemetery, which is dedicated to Saint Paul. The Kalc castle is located near the village Zagorje in the Valley of the Pivka Lakes. At Kalc, a mansion was built by the nobleman George Steinberg around 1620. It was named after the ...