The most beautiful places
Zavrh - Maister Tower - Zavrh - Maistrov stolp
Drava - Mura RegionZavrh - Maister Tower

Zavrh - Maister Tower 

Zavrh - Maister Tower
8 13
8 13
8 17

Interactive map with sights


Maister Tower - Zavrh - Maister Tower

Photo: 20421-0

Zavrh - Maister Tower
Maister Tower - Maister Tower

Photo: 20421-1

Maister Tower
Maister Tower - Maister Tower in Slovenske gorice

Photo: 20421-2

Maister Tower in Slovenske gorice
Maister Tower - Lookout tower in Zavrh

Photo: 20421-3

Lookout tower in Zavrh
Maister Tower - Stairs on the top of the tower

Photo: 20421-4

Stairs on the top of the tower
Maister Tower - View down from the tower

Photo: 20421-5

View down from the tower
Maister Tower - On the top of the Maister Tower

Photo: 20421-6

On the top of the Maister Tower
Maister Tower - Slovenske gorice

Photo: 20421-7

Slovenske gorice
Maister Tower - Spodnja Volicina

Photo: 20421-8

Spodnja Volicina
Maister Tower - Maister Tower Zavrh - Information board

Photo: 20421-9

Maister Tower Zavrh - Information board
Maister Tower - Memorial plate - Maister Tower - Rudolf Maister

Photo: 20421-10

Memorial plate - Maister Tower - Rudolf Maister


Municipality: LENART (8287 population)

Settlements in the municipality:

Lenart v Slov. goricah (3191 population), Spodnja Voličina (726), Zgornja Voličina (594), Hrastovec v Slov. goricah (472), Zavrh (408),

Selce (358), Spodnji Žerjavci (318), Zgornji Žerjavci (271), Močna (267), Spodnji Porčič (244), Radehova (210), Črmljenšak (196), Lormanje (169), Vinička vas (158), Spodnje Partinje (129), Dolge Njive (126), Rogoznica (99), Zamarkova (90), Straže (89), Nadbišec (87), Šetarova (54), Gradenšak (31)