Zagradec - Park Loka - Park Loka
Central SloveniaZagradec - Park Loka

Zagradec - Park Loka

Where is Park Loka?

On the map you can see selected place Park Loka with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Sticna Abbey

Sticna Abbey is situated among Dolenjska hills. Among the rare working cloisters is the only one, which belongs to Cistercian monks. The Cistercian order originates to the year 1098 to Burgundija in France. It got the name by the place called Citeaux. The founders were three saints, which were the benedictine monks from the monastery in Molesme. The Sticna Abbey is today the important cultural and religious memorial. It was established from the patriarch Peregrin I. At that time it also got lots of property. The monks Cistercians have beside prayers dedicated lots of their time to charity, work and econ...

Source of the Krka River

The River Krka springs in the Krka Cave in the 268 height above see level and then it flows into the river Sava at Brezice. To the spring you can come after the pleasant walk throug the village Gradicek. The Karst spring is under the rock, where is the the entrance to the original Krka Cave. The examination of the cave is possible only with the tourist guide, which will accept you before entering to the cave. The cave is open from April to October. For the public was opened by the Tourist association Krka in the year 1996. The Krka Cave is 200 metres long and wide about 30 metres. The chamber is conclud...

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms