Ilirska Bistrica with neighbourhood - Ilirska Bistrica
Coastal - Inner Carniola

Ilirska Bistrica with neighbourhood

Where is Ilirska Bistrica with neighbourhood?

On the map you can see selected place Ilirska Bistrica with neighbourhood with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Kalc Castle

Zagorje is a small village in the Municipality of Pivka in the Inner Carniola region. In the village is a parish church, which is dedicated to Saint Helena and the chapel at the cemetery, which is dedicated to Saint Paul. The Kalc castle is located near the village Zagorje in the Valley of the Pivka Lakes. At Kalc, a mansion was built by the nobleman George Steinberg around 1620. It was named after the local term kal (a Karstic pond) that refers to a sinkhole pond, a pool or watering place for livestock. In 1684, Fran Anton Steinberg (1684-1765) was born at Kalc. He was the supervisor of provincial ro...

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
from 67.5 €
from 82.5 €
from 55 €
from 80 €