Moravske Toplice - Bungalows - Bungalovi
Drava - Mura RegionMoravske Toplice - Bungalows

Moravske Toplice - Bungalows

Where is Bungalows?

On the map you can see selected place Bungalows with photos of the sights/interesting places in the neighbourhood.

Most Beautiful Trips

Below are listed the most beautiful trips in the neighbourhood of the selected place.

Selo in Prekmurje - Rotunda

Romanic rotunda of Saint Nikolaj is located about two kilometres to the west from the Slovenian - Hungarian border. It was built in the 13th century in the valley of Kobilje brook by the medieval traffic road from the Alps to the Panonska lowland. In 19th century they added to rotunda bell tower, covered dome with tinplate and gave the Gothic wing altar to Budapest. The circular sanctuary is architecturely excellent remnant of the presumptionly larger medieval post. The interior was first time probably painted around the year 1300. Today's, partly reconstructed appearance was given after the extensive c...

The Lake of Bukovnik

The Lake of Bukovnik is located in Goricko, southern from the village Bukovnica. It is ranging amongst the artificial lakes. It was made against flooding precaution. Lake is ecologically very sensitive region. It is part of the Goricko Nature Park. It belongs amongst the national natural values. The average depth of the lake is about 2 meters and in some places up to 5 metres. The surface of the lake is about 8 hectares. We can come to the lake from the road of Dobrovnik. The Lake of Bukovnik has a wonderful surroundings, which invites us to walks, fishing, camping, picnics, picking mushrooms and other ...

Bogojina - Church of the Ascension

Bogojina is a larger village in the community Moravske Toplice. The place was first mentioned in the year 1208 and in the year 1688 got rights like a square. In Bogojina is the most important building the Church of the Ascension. It belongs to Roman Catholic and is the most famous sanctuary of Prekmurje. It stands in a smaller rising ground. The parish church is regularly open. The new church was built in the years from 1924 to 1927. The architect was Joze Plecnik. It is was built to the side of the older one-nave Baroque church with a Romanesque base. Beside the old main entrance the artist placed a do...