Jurcic Homestead - Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Jurčičeva rojstna hiša
Central SloveniaJurcic Homestead - Birth house of Josip Jurcic

Jurcic Homestead - Birth house of Josip Jurcic

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Interactive map with sights


Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Jurcic Homestead - Birth house of Josip Jurcic

Photo: 2225-0

Jurcic Homestead - Birth house of Josip Jurcic
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Birth house of Josip Jurcic in Muljava

Photo: 2225-1

Birth house of Josip Jurcic in Muljava
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Memorial plate - Josip Jurcic

Photo: 2225-2

Memorial plate - Josip Jurcic
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Table in front of the house

Photo: 2225-3

Table in front of the house
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Straw roof

Photo: 2225-4

Straw roof
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Birth house of Josip Jurcic from the upper side

Photo: 2225-5

Birth house of Josip Jurcic from the upper side

Lobby with black kitchen

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Lobby with black kitchen

Photo: 2225-6

Lobby with black kitchen
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Lobby with black kitchen

Photo: 2225-7

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Lobby with black kitchen
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Old equipment (irons, coffee grinder, dishes, etc.)

Photo: 2225-8

Old equipment (irons, coffee grinder, dishes, etc.)
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Black kitchen

Photo: 2225-9

Black kitchen
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Pajstbar home

Photo: 2225-10

Pajstbar home
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Cellar

Photo: 2225-11

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Wooden pail

Photo: 2225-12

Wooden pail
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Kitchen closet

Photo: 2225-13

Kitchen closet

"Hisa" (house)

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - View into

Photo: 2225-14

View into "hisa"
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Birth house of Josip Jurcic

Photo: 2225-15

Birth house of Josip Jurcic
Birth house of Josip Jurcic -

Photo: 2225-16

"Hisa" (house)
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Table -

Photo: 2225-17

Table - "metrga"
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Chest

Photo: 2225-18

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Bread oven

Photo: 2225-19

Bread oven
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Narrow two-handled bag

Photo: 2225-20

Narrow two-handled bag
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Iron on charcoal

Photo: 2225-21

Iron on charcoal
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Bed and cradle

Photo: 2225-22

Bed and cradle

"Kamra" (room)

Birth house of Josip Jurcic -

Photo: 2225-23

"Kamra" (room)
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Chair

Photo: 2225-24


"Stiblc" - A shoemaker's workshop

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - View into

Photo: 2225-25

View into "stiblc" (room)
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - A shoemaker's workshop

Photo: 2225-26

A shoemaker's workshop
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Shoemaking tools

Photo: 2225-27

Shoemaking tools
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Pliers, files, scissors

Photo: 2225-28

Pliers, files, scissors
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Bed

Photo: 2225-29



Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Larder

Photo: 2225-30

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Larder - Bowls and models

Photo: 2225-31

Larder - Bowls and models
Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Bowls and other vessels in larder

Photo: 2225-32

Bowls and other vessels in larder

Birth house of Josip Jurcic - Birth house of Josip Jurcic form side

Photo: 2225-33

Birth house of Josip Jurcic form side

Hotels, Apartments and Rooms
