Zasavska Sveta gora
Road to Zasavska gora
Path to Roviski vrh Hill
Road to Zasavska Sveta gora and turning for walking trail
You should come tidy to Zasavska gora
Last part of the trail to Zasavska Sveta gora
Benches and tables in front of the Koca na Zasavski gori Mountain Hut
Koca na Zasavski gori Mountain Hut (849 m)
View of the Planinski dom na Zasavski gori Mountain Hut
Footpath to the church
Zasavska Sveta gora - Church of Mary's Birth
Zasavska Sveta gora with walls
GEOSS 2h 15min, Vace 1h 30min
View of the Koca na Zasavski gori Mountain Hut and Roviski vrh Hill
Path to the Church of Mary's Birth
Church of Mary's Birth and sundial on the walls
Road around the church
Chapel of the Queen of peace
Stairs to the church
Belfry and the Church of Mary's Birth
Little donkey
Parish house Zasavska Sveta gora
Sanitary block
Small house of the God's care
President of Slovenia Dr. Janez Drnovsek visited this house on 17th Ju...
Zasavska Sveta gora with the Church of Mary's Birth
Belfry in front of the Church of Mary's Birth
Self-standing belfry
Church of Mary's Birth
Churchyard on Zasavska Sveta gora
Monument - Victims of the war 1914 - 1918
View of the buildings on the Zasavska Sveta gora
View of the Planinski dom na Zasavski gori Mountain Hut and Roviski vr...