Maribor - Glavni trg (Main Square)
Northeast part of Glavni trg with Town Hall
Northeast part of Glavni trg at night
Northern side of Glavni trg
Northeastern side of Glavni trg
Northwest part of Glavni trg
Evening view of northwest part of Glavni trg in Maribor
Town Hall
Town Hall at evening
Statue near Plague Monument and Town Hall in background
Entrance portal of Town Hall that leads to Rotovski trg
Glavni trg from Mesarski prehod (Butcher's passage)
Neobaroque facade of the house from 16th century that stands near City...
Plague Column and buildings on the northwest side of Glavni trg
Old pharmacy building in Maribor
Painted neorenaissance facade on old pharmacy building
Paintings on old pharmacy building
Lekarniska ulica (Pharmacy Street) that leads to Glavni trg at old pha...
Three-storeyed building from the year 1905 (architect Johann eustacchi...
Postna ulica (Post Street) that connects Glavni trg and Slomskov trg (...
House nr. 8 near Koroska cesta (Carinthia street)
House nr. 10 near Koroska cesta with neorenaissance facade
House nr. 22 and 24 near Koroska cesta in Maribor
Late Gothic house with balcony from 16th century near Koroska cesta
Koroska cesta with Sentpavel Court
Late Gothic houses with balcony from 16th century and passage to Gospe...
South part of Koroska cesta with Zicki prehod
South part of Koroska cesta with Splavarski prehod that leads to Lent
Minoritski prehod that leads to Lent
View of the southern part of Glavni trg in Maribor
The Jesuitic College with the Church of St. Aloisius
The Archiepiscopal Archives Maribor
St. Aloisius Church
Provincial Archives Maribor
Memorial plaque on the Provincial Archives in memory of Dr. Franc Kova...
Central south side of Glavni trg
Southern side of Glavni trg with Casino
Southern side of Glavni trg at night
Theresa's Court - today Caisno Maribor
East side of Glavni trg
View of Glavni trg from Stari most (Old Bridge)
Stari most with the view of Theresa's Court (Casino)
East part of Glavni trg
Pharmacy on Glavni trg in Maribor
Plague Column in Maribor